Fibreglass Boats
Gel Coat & Laminate Moisture Measurements
It is recommended, that the boat has been ashore with bilges and tanks dry for at least 5 days prior to undertaking moisture readings. It is important that when brought ashore the hull has been washed down thoroughly with fresh water to remove the salt. Readings may be taken, weather dependent, before this minimum recommended period but indications are likely to require qualification especially if the boat was built before the mid 1990's.
The owner of the boat must be made aware of and have given their consent for the removal of multiple areas of anti-fouling approximately 100mm x 100mm in order to expose the gel coat for visual inspection.
Removal of the anti-fouling will be done by the surveyor and should not be done in advance of the survey.
It is in the interest of both vendor and purchaser that any previous treatments or coatings applied to the hull should be disclosed to the surveyor together with reports and invoices for this work.